Aspectos clave de la ciberseguridad en la nube, destacando sus ventajas, su importancia en diversas industrias, los procesos de implementación y el panorama futuro de esta disciplina. – Cibersecurity
Connecting Experiences: Omnichannel
Discover how connecting experiences will help you build customer loyalty by giving enough resources 24/7 for your customers.
In this article you will learn, what is an omnichannel contact center, what are the challenges of companies that are not implementing a contact strategy despite being Enterprise and the alternatives that a person responsible…
Digital transformation the key for progress
Digital transformation is a term, which has lent itself to different interpretations according to the context of application for each company.
The best way to understand transformation is through its strategic application in three essential points of a company: making it more efficient, creating deep long-term relationships with customers and…
Cloudgenia achieves advanced level in AWS!
A big step for our alliance: AWS Advanced Level
This recognition (AWS Advanced Level) is the result of of working together with AWS and partners, providing knowledge and expertise for the agile systems development, easy to scale with a reduction of risk and savings with the and savings with the acquisition…