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Cloudgenia is now AWS Advanced Level


Cloudgenia achieves advanced level in AWS!

A big step for our alliance: AWS Advanced Level

This recognition (AWS Advanced Level) is the result of of working together with AWS and partners, providing knowledge and expertise for the agile systems development, easy to scale with a reduction of risk and savings with the and savings with the acquisition of tailored services according to consumption. consumption.

Part of the main objectives is to strengthen the relationship with AWS by increasing the responsiveness of the team to meet the needs of responsiveness of the team to meet the needs of large-scale national and international national and international scale projects, this objective is achieved through of the the constant certification of the technical team and the hiring of specialized consultants to serve more and more customers.

As Cloudgenia consolidates its position in the market to become one of the leading innovation and technology services company, we are stepping up our efforts to achieve operational and knowledge capability and knowledge accreditations that demonstrate our expertise in AWS services and products.

We are a company committed to agility in innovation as pillars to obtain better results for our customers. Let us be part of this evolution process for the growth of your business."

What have we achieved so far?

What have
we achieved so far?

Serverless Lambda SDP Accreditation

Inmersion Day Program badge

AWS Public Sector Partner badge

More than 40 certified team members

We look forward to continue growing and innovating together.

Start innovating and build your strategy with us. Do you want to know more about it? Contact our experts o request an assesment here

We envision the future, by creating smart tech solutions

Contact Us

Cloudgenia, Inc.
13359 N Hwy, 183 Austin
#406-1015, Austin, TX  78750

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Contact Us

Cloudgenia, Inc.
13359 N Hwy, 183 Austin
#406-1015, Austin, TX  78750

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