Pied À Terre
How AWS contributed to the arrival of a new player in the global market for hosting platforms, focused on the luxury segment. The differentiator of Pied À Terre in its business model is that it incorporates innovations to update the demands for facilities and experiences that new generations of travelers demand and expect; including a 24/7 concierge service for travelers and hosts; the standardization in the quality of the supplies, routines and services offered in the properties thanks to the introduction of the concept of “Household Goods”, which is necessary to guarantee quality standards; and the implementation of a permanent promoter arm, in charge of the design and commercialization of travel routes and special circuits of properties located around the world.
AWS allowed us to think of a global platform, its elasticity in technology was key to going from less to more. We grew up thinking big and at the same time investing in a phased manner according to our needs. Our provider, Financial Solutions has been a strategic partner, understanding our vision and generating a global platform in a short time.
Create a global platform that can move forward dynamically and flexibly with the growth of Pied À Terre. Several were the challenges that arose for the design of a large-scale platform, in which AWS was a key factor for several reasons
Management of collections and payments in various currencies to think about an operation in more than 15 countries; synchronization of calendars between different platforms; scalable architecture that allows flexibility according to growth; security in all internal and external flows.
One of the main benefits has been the integration with AWS managed services, such as: in the RDS database that helped to have backup and replication schemes from day one; Cloudfront that allows to distribute the content in the different regions for a better experience of the platform; S3 as an image repository.
The speed with which AWS adds relevant services supports the decision of having chosen it.

Currently Pied À Terre, has a mature AWS architecture that is growing day by day.
Some other tools like auto-scaling, SSL load balancers, AWS Cognito integration have solved tasks in a standard and secure way. AWS Lambda for running microservices in different flows.